My love for cooking started at a very young age thanks to my mother and grandmother. As the oldest, I had no choice but to assist in the kitchen. There, I got to ask all my questions about food, life and everything that came to mind. At about age twelve, I started cooking without any assistance. My grandmother would let my cousins and I take turns in making dinner and would tease us if dinner didn’t turn out right. It became more of a competition among us. Little did we know our grandmother did that to help perfect our cooking skills.

Cooking became a hobby, I would cook for friends, family, neighbors and even strangers who wanted to try Ghanaian food. I get excited when people of different culture and background wants to try and learn how to make different Ghanaian dishes.

Fast forward to 2019, with the help of friends and family my passion grew and I took a leap of faith and started a business. Since then, Majoba has gradually turned into a well-organized catering business. My vision of establishing this business was to introduce the Ghanaian culture through food, by providing authentic dishes and easy-to-make Ghana food products to the doorsteps of people without any hustle.

Thank you for taking time out to review our site. We’re looking forward to feeding and sharing our authentic products with you.
